Jul 8, 2015

Strong, Competitive, Inspiring Athletes? That's right - Dancers!

You want to know the truth when it comes to athletics? Dancers are the most badass athletes there are. No, no, I see you shaking your head in doubt and disbelief. But you know what? You're wrong!


First of all, I am in no way discounting the amazing skill and training needed to be athletes in various sports - basketball, baseball, football... let's just lump them all together as the Sportsball Players. They're strong, yes. Talented, yes. Hard-working, yes.

Hmm, I wonder if that hotdog guy would throw me one...

HOWEVER, Dancers, of all kinds (but I'll be focusing a lot in Ballet in this post) must be all those things that Sportsball Players are - strong, talented, hard-working, deal with intense competition, train daily, keep a certain physique, eat a LOT of protein and maintain a specific diet AND ALSO look beautiful, move with grace and make it seem completely effortless.

If you're anything like me when you try to dance...

... you'll know that is NOT an easy feat.

Speaking of feet (whatever, it sounds the same...)
In addition to the normal injuries suffered by many athletes - pulled muscles, tendonitis, broken ligaments, dancers depend so much on their feet (and ankles) for their job.

So beautiful, amazing, gorgeous on the outside and THESE BABIES underneath those silky pink shoes:
Honey bear - give me foot rub, will you?

  • Broken nails
  • Callouses
  • Bunions
  • Blisters 
  • Broken bones
FUN FACT (depending on what your definition of "fun" is, of course) - Did you know that it takes 3 years of ballet training, if not more, before most teachers will even allow you to start training "en pointe"? You know those beautiful pink ballet slippers with the block of wood in the toe letting those lean tutu-d girls stand on their tip-toes... yeah, THOSE shoes = en pointe.

AND it takes over a year for a ballet dancer to get used to dancing in pointe shoes (read: over a year of pain before adjusting) - that's intense.

The reason it takes so long is that the shoes actually cause the bones in your foot to re-form over time, allowing you to be accustomed to walking on your tip-toes - and spin, and so on - for the sake of beauty and the art of Classical Dance.

Those who know anything about dance know how it takes YEARS of devotion, practice and dedication to maintain any semblance of ability, let alone if you want to become a professional.
Speaking of amazing professionals - SHOUT-OUT to the amazing women like Misty Copeland (who just became the 1st African American principal dancer in the American Ballet Theater) who are paving the way for diversity in classical dance and showing the world that there are many shades of beautiful!


It is also an INCREDIBLY competitive profession. Like many other art forms, joining the theatre, creating art pieces or any other sort of singing, dance, or skilled profession in 'The Arts,' professional dance is incredibly competitive.
They hold dance competitions and the select few win trophies, accolades and the select fewer win scholarships and places in professional dance companies. Of course, those who are even considered typically study dance for YEARS from the age of two to four until they're old enough to start working, aka 16-18.
Talk about intense pressure both physically and psychologically for your small children... Woo!
No wonder you see so many cases of the "Stage Mom" - we'll go into that one in another post, I'm sure. 

Ok, only 15 years, 8 months and 3 days of training to go...

But for those who "make it" - they can work so long as they're fit, able, and in the prime of their lives. Most people would laugh if you told them you're retiring in your mid to late 30's, but that's the reality in this world...

Want to learn more about the world of Ballet and how freaking amazing they are? I would highly recommend watching First Position (currently on Netflix) - a ballet documentary that will give you a bit more insight than watching the Hollywood skew in movies like Center Stage or Save the Last Dance or, for goodness sakes, The Black Swan (though an interesting psychological and artistic take on the subject...)
Be forewarned - may cause feelings of extreme envy or outbursts of
"DAAAAAMMMN - I wish I could do HALF of what that 11 year old can do!"

All in all - Dancers are AMAZING athletes and while Sportsball is all fine and dandy, dance is where it's at. AND, if you really want to be an even BETTER Sportsball player, take dance lessons. Guaranteed focus on strength, balance, core control, muscle control and building, and the many other emphases in dance that can only improve your sporting performance!

Until next time, folks! In the mean time, join a dance class! Yeah, maybe you're "too old" to become a professional - join the club - but it's a lot of fun and a BEAST of a workout!

WARNING: Now entering "BEAST MODE" - avert your eyes from the awesomeness...

I know I've just have a brief overview here - but what do you think about dancers and athletes? Would you agree? Feel free to post your comments below! I'd love to hear your input.

ps - Here's just a few pictures of some amazing ballet dancers, for your enjoyment.
Also, see this link to Ballet Dancers doing everyday activities - super cool!

http://vikisecrets.com/uploaded/2012/large/alvin-ailey-american-dance-theater-8.jpg  http://images2.sina.com/english/life/p/2010/0204/U100P200T1D303116F12DT20100204012836.jpghttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/26/fc/32/26fc32e32c6827fbfe7b08a951fbc173.jpg



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