Aug 25, 2015

How to Make Moving Suck Less

This post is inspired by my recent run-in with moving apartments (hence the two-week hiatus - miss me?) Also, since I've moved every year for the past, oh say, six years, (yay college...) I feel I've picked up a few things during all the moving.
Today I have decided to share with you all my tips and advice about moving and how to make it more efficient (and thereby suck less).

Let's face it - moving sucks. Yeah you might be moving to a new and exciting place. Or maybe you're moving out of necessity. Regardless of the goods and bads of WHERE you're moving, the moving process itself is tedious. Unless you are in the military and they pack your junk for you - or if you have the moolah to afford a packing and moving company, most of us get to pack our own crap and haul it to the new place.

SO, here's a quick and dirty guide on how to do it better!

1. Get Rid of Crap!

Before you start the packing process, you have to first get rid of the junk! It's like Spring Cleaning but with your whole house! 

Be honest with yourself: have you used it in the past year? Will you REALLY use it in the next year? If the answers are no, get rid of it! Sell it, donate it, give it to a friend or throw it away!
Hahaha! Rick-rolled!

2. Time Management!

Seriously, give yourself time to pack. The more shit you have, obviously the more time you need to pack it all up. 
Also, if you're moving across country - make sure it's SECURE and not going to break along the way. If you're just moving someplace close-by (like we did - same complex, new apartment), then know things can be packed a little more loosely or for the temporary moving needs - in other words, not moving far? Laundry baskets and suitcases are perfectly viable "boxes"

Order how you pack things:
  1. Crap you hardly use but want to keep - ex: boxes of pictures, Christmas decorations, etc.
  2. Crap you use sometimes but won't use before the move - ex: guest bedroom things, books
  3. Crap you use a normal amount but might not use before moving - pack but maybe don't tape the box yet
  4. Crap you use regularly - wait until the day before to pack but keep an "immediate need" kit for quick use - ex: bathroom stuff, clothes you'll need
  5. Crap that has special needs - if it's in the fridge or freezer, wait until the last minute to pack it, if you're bringing it at all

3. Stay Organized!

You're not much of a planner? That's ok. BUT if you want help in the long run, you need to have a little planning and organization to keep the sanity. Keeping organized will also help the unloading process go SO much smoother.

Maybe SLIGHTLY excessive... but damn it! You'll know where that crap is!
Things to keep in mind when staying organized:
  • Pack similar things together OR pack per room - "Bathroom" "Office" "Master Bedroom" are much easier to know where to unload. Also when it's labeled "Books" you know it's going to be heavy
  • Write the room or items on the box - For easier unload. You can use index cards or just a sharpie to the box, whatever you like best. Word to the wise though, especially if using a moving company, don't write TV, computer, laptop or other expensive items on the itemized lists - keep it general as "living room" or "office supplies" to cut down on temptation factor...
  • Make an Immediate Need bag - moving far away or not going to have a lot of unpacking time on move-in day? Pack a little suitcase or box with a couple sets of clothes, toothbrush and paste, phone charger, roll of toilet paper and any other items you're going to need right away. Sheets and bedding are also good to have handy since most other things can wait but you'll want to sleep somewhere the night you move in.
Side note - there are LOTS of great organization lists and tips for moving on Pinterest. Try not to punch your computer in the ensuing overwhelmed rage...

4. Recruit Helpers!

Whether it's in the same town, a new state or a rocket-ship to Mars, if possible, try to recruit some friends to help on the moving day. OR if you have a moving company helping, make sure you have everything in order when moving day comes.

Helpful tip - offer incentives! Money is always good but then again, so is food! Are you a good baker? Sweets are excellent incentives for getting friends and acquaintances to lend a helping hand. Or, if you're my brother, pizza seems to do the trick. Alcohol is also a good incentive - for those of drinking age of course! 
BUT, keep in mind for the incentives to be truly helpful to your cause, they need to come at the END of the work. But you know, to each their own...

5. Moving Day!

It's the big day!

So you've pared down all the junk you have to everything you're bringing with you. You've gotten it all packed up and organized for where it's going to go (and labelled!), today is the day to DO IT! ... more in the Nike sense (you dirty minded you...)

Here's a few things to keep in mind for Moving Day:
  • Have Patience!
Your peppy smiling faces are total BULLSHIT!
Not always an easy thing when tensions and stress are on SUPER level. But, try as best you can. Especially if you have a significant other or family to deal with during the packing and moving, take a deep breath and try to keep your cool. 
  • Dress Comfortably
Workout clothes, sneakers and a good place to keep your keys (or purse) - moving IS a workout, so be prepared to get those steps in and strength training! 

  • Be Prepared to Unpack the Necessaries
Whether that means getting your prepacked "Immediate Needs" bag out or if you have a box of the same purpose, you're going to need a few things unpacked right away.
Think toilet paper and soap.
Think shower curtain hung.
Think bedding and pillows.
Think clothes for a few days.
Think needed kitchen items (cups, plates and utensils especially)
  • Be Prepared to Go Shopping (for groceries mostly)
Surprise, surprise, you're all moved in and you hardly have ANY food. So unless you plan to eat out for a week (expensive), be ready to go to the store. You may also need kitchen, bathroom or other items your forgot or that got lost or broken in the move. 

Now all you need is twelve bottles of wine...
And that's it! You're all moved in!

But, before I go, here are some:

Helpful Tips

  • Save money for the move - if you know it's coming up, save a couple hundred dollars. You'll need it for packing supplies, a moving truck (probably) as well as for those Helper incentives we mentioned
  • Borrow/Dumpster dive for boxes - if you work for a tech company, like I do, computer boxes make excellent moving boxes. If not, borrow from people who have extra OR go around to large stores like Walmart and more often than not they have a blue "dumpster" specifically reserved for broken down boxes. Great place to get boxes FREE so you don't have to buy them from U-Haul or elsewhere. I don't advise getting boxes from the actual dumpster or liquor stores though since they're often covered in nasty stuff.
  • Play music/listen to a book - or put on a rerun of your favorite sitcom in the background. Upbeat music, like when you exercise (exercise!? what is this foreign word?), is super helpful during the packing process to keep your mind entertained while doing menial work. Also helps lessen the stress.
  • Take Breaks! - as often as you need, take a break. Like when studying for a big test, you can't cram it all at once and expect it to go well without stress. Every hour or half hour, take a 5-15 minute break. Break during meals and maybe watch a little TV or read a book. Take a little time to go for a walk and get out of the house for a bit. That's why you started planning early, see? Don't get too burnt out or it'll make the process even longer!

That's all for now! Have any other helpful moving tips you think I missed? I'd love to hear your thoughts and advice in the comments section.
Thanks and best of luck on your move!

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