Jun 9, 2015

A Brief Introduction

Never fear, dear readers - this is NOT a blog about the various aspects of men's tighty-whities or how they're far superior to boxers. Briefs, though probably an interesting topic on their own, are not what I'm here to talk about. Besides, everyone knows boxer-briefs are where it's at...
No, that is not the purpose of this blog.

The "purpose" in fact is a far more ellusive beast. Perhaps even mythical...

Behold, the majestic unicorn... Completely real - this photo was not altered in any way...

I am writing for a multitude of purposes:
  • To, ultimately, back up calling myself writer. Writers write, as the saying goes, and though I may not always have the most enlightening tidbits to share, as a writer I have a voice.
  • To improve my craft. Again, writers write. I want to grow in the areas I enjoy and that means practice. 
  • To share my interests, knowledge, advice, curiosities and bucket list. What better way to word-vomit to the world about trivial information than on a supermegafoxyawesomehot blog!? 
 If you got that reference, we're going to be the best of friends!

All in all, I'm a pretty random person. As such, I'm sure my blog posts will be less than linear or adhering to a single theme. But hey, "variety is the spice of life." Or is that cilantro...
So if you know me, or are simply interested in the same things I am, you'll likely find this to be a fun - or at least entertaining distraction.

For those of you who hate the performing arts, sarcasm, occasionally theological or philosophical ponderings, adorable animals (teacup pigs!), movies and TV, travel, talking about good books and general hopes and dreams, you should probably just back away slowly before fleeing from this awesomeness, running away in your tiny man-panties (*cough* *cough* briefs). 
 "General hopes and dreams..."
The rest of you, please make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright positions, buckle up those seatbelts and down that pre-flight cocktail, because we're about to take off!
Thank you, and enjoy the ride!

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