Jun 19, 2015

Random Story Time!

Ok, so this is new for me. Ever since I was in 6th grade, I've loved writing stories. I've kept lists of story ideas, taken creative writing classes in school and even tinkered with some book ideas - aside from some scenes and plays I've written.
Though I've shown/workshopped some of my plays and stories in the classes I've taken, I've always kept my fiction stories, short and long, to myself.

So I've decided to occasionally share some of that writing - little daily exercises or story idea blips - on this blog. Particularly because it scares the shit out of me.
Therefore, I need to conquer it.

I hope you all enjoy these random story times as they come up - they're helping me overcome my writing fears and self-doubt and, as I said in my intro post, keeping me writing. Because writers write.
(And for any other writers who need the extra push - maybe you can follow along with some of the writing exercises I post to help overcome your own fears or insecurities in writing as well.)

Writing Exercise - "Picture It"

Choose a picture that inspires you and write for 15 minutes about it.

I held the tiny thing in my palm, feeling the pin-pricks of its claws as it moved with slow, wobbling steps. Not sharp enough to hurt. Not yet. 
The leathery wings unfurled, thin as a butterfly’s. It would be a while before they would be strong enough to support the baby’s weight. Around the year mark, if it was on track with the others. 
The baby dragon gingerly opened its marble-round eyes. Liquid onyx. He saw me at once, rearing his salamander head back as he took in my looming presence. His shoulders hunched and the tail flicked back and forth. And back again. He let out a tiny, adorable hiss. 
Wary. An instinctual fighter. That was good. 
Then, with a bob of the head, he snorted a sneeze. The burp of smoke filtered up, dissipating, like that of a match-head abruptly blown out. The newborn shook his head once, clearing it, then looked back at me. He wasn’t afraid this time. Just curious. 
The forked tongue flicked out and tickled my wrist, taking in the scent of me. A good sign this soon. He would bond quickly and that would make the training all the easier. I smirked a half grin at his snuffling little muzzle and admired the silvery sheen of his scales. 
This one might yet be my favorite of them all. 

Thanks for reading! Until next time...

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